File A report

The Dean of Students office is available to help with a number of student-related issues and address student behavior. In the links below, you can refer a student for assistance regarding any complex personal issue. The referral/report will be directed to the appropriate department for follow-up. If this is an emergency, please contact our University Police Department at 911 or 903.886.5111, then complete the report.

East Texas A&M Nursing and Human Services building.

Types of Reports

Select from the options below to find the appropriate office to address your concern.

Submit a CARE report to notify someone who can help a student when there is a concern for homelessness, food insecurity or harm to self or others.

Learn about Behavior Intervention Team and how to help a friend in distress.

Report sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, stalking and relationship violence allegations that may violate the East Texas A&M Civil Rights Policies and Procedures.

You can make a report in two ways.

  • Contact the Title IX Coordinator:
    • In-person: McDowell Business Administration Building, Room 113
    • By telephone: 903.886.5991
    • Civil Rights / Title IX Reporting Form:: Fill out the form
  • Anonymously:
    • Risk, Fraud & Misconduct Hotline, 888-501-3850

Submit a Student Misconduct Report to report behavior by an East Texas A&M student that violates the Code of Student Conduct or Residential Living and Learning Community Standards.

Submit an Incident Report to report a student organization that violates the Code of Student Conduct or Student Organization Policy.

Submit a Hazing Report to report an East Texas A&M student or student organization you believe has experienced or engaged in any form of hazing.

Submit an Incident Report to report student behavior that disrupts the operation of a building, classroom or common space on campus.

Students may Make a Complaint with the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for an issue with a grade, professor, university service, or any concern that impacts their ETAMU experience.

Submit an Incident Report to report incidents that occur abroad that violate the Code of Student Conduct.

Amnesty for Reporting Parties and Witnesses

East Texas A&M encourages the reporting of harassment, discrimination, sexual and/or relationship misconduct by victims and witnesses. In order to reduce barriers to reporting, the University offers amnesty for minor policy and/or code of conduct violations related to the incident to reporting parties and witnesses.

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Contact Us

  • Halladay Student Services Building, Room 201
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